FAQ Classification
Question:I am a beneficiary who will be granted the amount of wealth partaking by means of crossed cheque. How can I check the postal address registered with the Identification Services Bureau?
In case you have forgotten the address registered with the Identification Services Bureau at the time of applying for your Macao SAR Resident Identity Card, you may enquire the postal address of the crossed cheque in the following ways (the address is only used for the purpose of the Wealth Partaking Scheme):
(1) Through the official website of the Wealth Partaking Scheme "Enquire about the Mailing Address", you can log in to the system with the account of Common Access of Public Services of the Macao SAR (Acesso Comum aos Serviços Públicos da RAEM) for the enquiry;
(2) Visit the Services Centres of the Wealth Partaking Scheme in person for the enquiry.
Question:An address in Hong Kong was declared at the time of applying for my Macao SAR Resident Identity Card. At the same time, I was required to leave a corresponding address in Macao. Will the cheque be mailed to the address in Hong Kong or in Macao?
You could declare the postal address for the crossed cheque in the following ways:
[Remark: the address will only be used for the Wealth Partaking Scheme.]
(1) Through the official website of the Wealth Partaking Scheme the "Modification of the Mailing Address", you can log in to the system with the account of Common Access of Public Services of the Macao SAR (Acesso Comum aos Serviços Públicos da RAEM) or input information such as ID card number, date of birth and mother's name (please note that parents' names are not stated on the Macao SAR Resident Identity Card) for verification of your identity before submitting the application for changing address;
(2) Fill out the "Declaration of Change of Address or Corresponding Address" to the Identification Services Bureau by post. The Declaration can be downloaded from the official website of the WPS or obtained at the Identification Services Bureau.

The address will be modified upon approval.
Question:How is the schedule of the Wealth Partaking Scheme of this year?
The distribution schedule of this year's Wealth Partaking Scheme will be arranged in order of priority as follows:
(1) Bank transfer;
(2) Crossed cheques (to be sent by post).

To avoid overcrowding at banks while cashing cheques, crossed cheques for wealth partaking will be mailed in 5 weeks in order of seniority. Please refer to the "Schedule of Distribution" on the website of the Wealth Partaking Scheme of the Year for further details .
Question:What are the situations taken care of by the Social Welfare Bureau in the distribution of amount of wealth partaking? In where can find assistance?
The Social Welfare Bureau takes care of the following situations:
(1) Beneficiaries of Subsidy for Senior Citizens;
(2) Beneficiaries of Regular Financial Assistance granted by the Social Welfare Bureau;
(3) Beneficiaries of Disability Subsidy; (4) Minors who do not have a designated guardian;
(5) Other persons under disability:
(5.1) Those who are in a coma;
(5.2) Those who are physically or mentally disabled;
(5.3) Those who suffer from mental illness;
(6) Those who are in prison or under educational supervision;
(7) Those who are living abroad and are unable to return to Macao to apply for the Macao SAR Smart ID Card since they are being long-term bedridden or suffer from body paralysis;
(8) Others.

For any enquiry, beneficiaries may go to the Social Service Centre of Social Welfare Bureau in the living district and require assistances.
Question: I have two underage sons and my husband is a gambler. Could I request the crossed cheque for my sons to be printed their name and my name only?
The name of payee on the crossed cheque for the underage beneficiary would be shown as following: the name of the beneficiary and the name of the beneficiary's parents. The cheque could be deposited into the account of the beneficiary or the beneficiary's parent.

In the situation of divorce, factual separation or rescission of marriage, the father or mother with parental right has to make an application in writing to change the name of payee on the crossed cheque to the Identification Services Bureau by submitting relevant proof of the execution of the single parental right issued by the Court or competent authorities (Relevant documents can be submitted to the Appointment and Information Counter at the Identification Services Bureau). Only the name of the beneficiary and the person executing parental right will be put on the crossed cheque upon approval of the application.
Question: I am a guardian of a minor. Could I request the crossed cheque to the minor to be written the minor's name and my name (the guardian's name)?
The name of payee on the crossed cheque for the underage beneficiary would be shown as following: the name of the beneficiary and the name of the beneficiary's parents. The cheque could be deposited into the account of the beneficiary or the beneficiary's parent.

If the underage beneficiary is currently under guardianship, the guardian has to, at the earliest convenience, make an application in writing to change the name of payee on the crossed cheque to the Identification Services Bureau by submitting relevant proof of guardianship issued by the Court or competent authorities (Relevant documents can be submitted to the Appointment and Information Counter at the Identification Services Bureau). Only the name of the beneficiary and the guardian will be put on the crossed cheque upon approval of the application.
Question:I am a beneficiary who will be granted the amount of wealth partaking by means of crossed cheque. How can I change the postal address for the cheque of the Wealth Partaking Scheme?
You could declare the postal address of the crossed cheque in the following ways:
[Note: The address is only used for the purpose of the Wealth Partaking Scheme.]
(1) Through the official website of the Wealth Partaking Scheme "Modification of the Mailing Address", you may log in to the system with the account of Common Access of Public Services of the Macao SAR (Acesso Comum aos Serviços Públicos da RAEM) or input information such as ID card number, date of birth and mother's name (please note that parents' names are not stated on the Macao SAR Resident Identity Card) for verification of your identity before submitting the application for changing address;
(2) Fill out the "Wealth Partaking Scheme – Declaration of Modification of the Address or Corresponding Address" in person to the Services Centre of Wealth Partaking Scheme in person or send to the Identification Services Bureau by post. The Declaration form can be downloaded from the official website of the Wealth Partaking Scheme or obtained at the Identification Services Bureau.
Question:How can I prevent fraudulent declaration of change of the postal address of the crossed cheque in the Wealth Partaking Scheme?
Macao resdients can change the postal address online by logging in to the system for "Modification of the Mailing Address" on the "Wealth Partaking Scheme" website with the account of Common Access of Public Services of the Macao SAR (Acesso Comum aos Serviços Públicos da RAEM) or by inputting information such as mother's name for verification under "General Login". Moreover, they can also fill out the "Wealth Partaking Scheme – Declaration of Change of the Address or Corresponding Address" which can be downloaded on the the Wealth Partaking Scheme website. The latter two ways requires the residents to input names of parents. Due to the fact that parents' names are not shown on the Macao SAR Resident Identity Card, this can help prevent fraudulent declaration of address. Furthermore, random checking will be conducted by the Identification Services Bureau.
Question:Can I change the postal address for the Wealth Partaking Scheme and the address registered with the Identification Services Bureau simultaneously?
Yes, you can. You can fill out the application form for "Alteration of Contact Information" (Alteração de dados de contactos [DIR-144]) and then submit it the Identification Services Bureau in person or by post. The form can be downloaded on the website of the Identification Services Bureau or obtained at the Identification Services Bureau.
Question:Will the Chinese name or the transliteration of the beneficiary be stated on the crossed cheque? Will the ID card number be stated in order to prevent the cheque being deposited into an account of another person of the same name?
Both the Chinese name and the transliteration of the beneficiary will be stated on the crossed cheque. In case there is no Chinese name shown on the ID card, only the transliteration will be printed on the cheque. Also, the ID card number of the beneficiary will not be stated on the cheque.